Last summer I spent 3 days in Chicago for Lollapalooza. Never in my life have I experienced anything like those 3 days. In fact, when people ask me how it was I still hesitate for awhile. Nearly a year later and i'm still speechless. For so many reasons. First of all, anything that could have went wrong...did in fact go wrong. I'm surprised we made it there. The car we took broke down near this hell hole the "Flying J Inn" in Indiana. Let me just say this; people are incredibly inconsiderate and horribly rude to others. We asked about 20 people for a jump and they all refused and had some lame ass excuse. It didn't matter anyways when we finally did get one, it turned out that wasn't the problem. The problem was something that would take a few days and few hundred dollars. We had neither time nor money to spare that morning. So we had to decide: do we go home, get this car towed, or do we leave the damn thing here and hitch to Chicago...we were 33 miles away. We ended up picking and choosing what items to leave or take with us because be damned to hell we were not going back home! We ended up taking a taxi there. Which cost us $90 split between 4 people. (There goes breakfast for this whole trip.) We ended up missing a few shows we wanted to see that morning but we got there! After I tipped the cabby with my just-opened bag of Chili Fritos, (the big bag! i'm not that cheap!) we finally got in!! ahhh heaven!!
Actually being inside the gates was definitely Heaven! all of these bands and music loving people in one spot nearly killed me! we took pictures for about literally 15 minutes before we had to leave because we had to check in to our hotel at a certain time. We had to find which line ran to our hotel (because we were going to drive there remember?) So we found the correct line. Guess what it takes an hour and half to get from Point A to Point B. (That was really fun each night after we were dead tired.) But guess what none of it mattered! sure we had no idea how we were getting home in a few days: the car was way back at that flying J devil sink hole, the busses didn't run after 6 sunday and Arcade Fire was playing really late...like we were missing that, and no one could come get us from home. None of it mattered because we were in chicago and we were going to see Lady Gaga, MGMT, Phoenix, Arcade Fire, The Black Keys, The XX, Temper Trap, Neon Trees, and sooo many others. Point is... It was the worst and best trip of my life. If everything can go wrong and I'm still able to have a great time, I can't imagine what it would be like if few things go wrong and i go. So in conclusion boys and girls, or just girls...i'm pretty sure just girls follow me, I am going back this year! yes! Gonna see Eminem, Foo Fighters, MUSE, Crystal Castles, Cage the Elephant, SKRILLEX, Kid Cudi, Ellie Goulding, Explosions in the sky, Foster the people! and sooo many more Oh my god!
P.S. we eventually did get home. Thank you to E'lena and Maurice's dear mum!
Post Breakdown & waiting in Purgatory while Lolla begins....
Everything is AOKAY in this pricey cab ride! |
"No Bad Days" ...The Irony... |
Never been happier :) |
I went in 2008 and it was so wonderful!!! I really want to go this year too!
ReplyDeleteyayy! justine i hope we get to go!! hopefully can buy my ticket at the end of the month or in June! :D