Monday, April 11, 2011

Every night is another story. It's been a long time.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves -- or lose the ventures before us." -- William Shakespeare, "Julius Ceaser"

    It's been so long since I've posted anything. Mostly because I was sans my laptop, Milo, for so long. 4 months have went by. So much is different. It's all so different. I'm always amazed at how much can change over time, and how much doesn't change. In four months I've dealt with my new classes, new friends, and I've been on new adventures. I've said goodbye to an amazing woman who was the best Aunt anyone could ever have asked for; she was unlike any other person I will ever know.  I'm in a relationship which feels so new, but is actually quite the opposite; getting back together with someone from your past is quite possibly one of the most heartbreaking but wonderful things I've experienced.  I've been lucky enough to reconnect with some old friends, and sadly, I've lost some that I thought would always be around. Life kind of just happens doesn't it?

   For as much that does change in life, some things just don't. This past weekend I drove 2 hours to see my first best friend. We were best friends when we were 4. We continued to be good friends throughout middle school and even in high school. After graduation though, we both went through our own ordeals and she was miles away during this. 4 years went by with us talking very, very little. I can remember maybe 3 conversations we had throughout those 4 years. The funny thing is, after all the planning to go see her I never once thought it would be awkward or strange. Of course things in our lives were different and because of that we too have become different people....but I never got nervous. When I pulled into her driveway I was nothing but excited to see her! We were able to spend the whole weekend together, just catching up, there was never an awkward moment. We were just who we use to be; two ridiculous girls playing in my nana's backyard, but now the scene has changed and we're two ridiculous girls in some bar. I like that 4 years can pass and that at least didn't change. I liked it very much to say the least :)

  I have a ridiculous amount of things to get done this week, I just want to forget about it all, but i've been very productive lately. I only have 2 and half weeks left of this semester and as amazing as it's been  I will be so happy when it ends. I can't believe my Junior year of college is coming to an end! sooo, There's the quickest update I'm able to give.

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