Thursday, December 2, 2010

discussing 20 years over some beers

Alas. It is 3:37am. I just finished a project for a class. It's not my best work, but it's better than I had expected. I'm just sitting here, listening to songs. All songs, mostly, are about love. It's like some universal thing. Ironic really, since we're always saying this universe lacks love. Yet, we sure do love to sing about it. We sing about it because it's true. The songs are there for a reason. Everyone goes through it at some point. As if its something you can get through. What if you never get through it?
  I was talking to my dad about relationships the other day, which is a very cautious topic with my dad. (He's been married 3 times and has had who knows how many relationships).  Anyways. My dad was 19 when he first got some 16 year old  German girl when he moved to Germany to be in the army. He was in love with her, he's told me countless times that he loved her so. She was only 16 though and she wasn't serious; she just wanted to get away from her dad... so why not marry some handsome american boy (hellz yeah my dad was good looking back in the day, why ya think i'm so pretty?! LOL) but anyways seriously. now. So they were married and stayed together for about 2 years until he was moved to Hawaii where she also went with him. She hated it there because she didn't know anyone and she eventually started running around on him. Whenever my dad talks about this his voice gets really deep and he starts talking slower. It still hurts him.  I asked him that day, "How long did it take you to get over her?" rather bold on my part I might say. One thing I believe in is never ask questions when you don't really want the answer. He replied, "At least 20 years." This shocked me. Of all things he could have said I didn't think that. By then he had already been married to my mom.
   So I'm just wondering...Do we ever truly get over someone? sure we can get over the random relationships... But what about that one person whom you just had a spark with...that one person that things just seemed right with? Do we just pretend to get over it while pretending to move on until we find someone else and hope that the old feelings fade? I guess so. I guess sometimes you just love more than one person at the same time and I guess sometimes we carry some pain around for years and years, like my dad, until we find something better. Or something better finds us. It's just that's a lot of pain for a lot of time. Are we suppose to know that pain so that when something good comes along we know that it truly is good? I don't know...

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