Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Got class but no funds

     I have few loves in my life. Family, friends, boyfriend, and art. (My cat is included in with family.) Under the category of art rests the subject of "books." I love reading, I love love love it more than anything. I have never been friends with anyone who doesn't read. Now even if you read every once and awhile or hardly at all, I'm still okay with that. Understandable. As long as you do find the activity enjoyable from time to time, then we're good. I have, however, never really liked anyone that has said "I hate books. I hate reading. It's stupid." Really? No, you are! Looking back on all of the people that are no longer in my life I distinctly remember at one time they admitted that they hated reading. From then on I was suspicious of them and knew they wouldn't really be around much longer. So, obviously I take books quite serious.
     With that said, know that it broke my heart to sell 11 of my treasures today. Eleven of my books are currently sitting on some dusty black iron table in downtown Mount Pleasant. I have abandoned them! I needed some extra money, so my roommate and I went through some of our novels to sell to the Book Garden downtown. They take books and give you money for the ones they want. All of mine are pretty popular, I can't imagine they won't want any. It just makes me so sad. Somewhere in each book i've written my name, the day I bought it, and a little note of the shopping trip. For example "November 2010, Shopping at the Westwood - E'lena and I actually had money!" or "April 2009, bought this after Molly and I got our ears double- pierced!" It's so upsetting. I realize I'm a bit nostalgic, but those are my memories sitting in some strange place. I read those books in high school and in college when I couldn't deal with anyone but the characters in the pages. Now I'm waiting on some stranger to call me back and tell me how much he'll give me for them. If it's not a decent price I'm taking every single one back. I rather have less funds than seeing the empty spots on my book shelf. *sigh* It's tragic. I really hate not having any money! Thank God I'm working when I go home this weekend!

Monday, June 6, 2011


     Alright,  first of all, I fail. Like I needed another obsession in my life. But these energy drinks by Rockstar just might be my new love. In fact, i'm making it official. They are amazing. We are together now. Secondly, as the marketing minor I am I realize that I'm the perfect candidate for the company's target market. I mean come on young female in college, always on the go, needs energy. Yeah. Nailed it. Plus it's hot pink and comes with an adorable and quite handy straw! Anyways,  It has zero sugar and zero carbs but it still tastes amazing, like pink lemonade! A 12oz can is just 10 calories (um yes, i said amazing right.) It also provides 100% of B3 B5 B6 & B12 vitamins. Love! 

The words you wish you wrote down

I had a vision for the life that was ahead of me
I had a reason, had a ride and had a destiny
I thought I never knew where I was heading
I would never look back
Sometimes in life you meet the people that you think you trust
Wake up one day and find that everything had turned to dust
    -Augustana "Shot in the Dark"
     So much has happened. In such a short amount of time. It really got to me last night. For 3 weeks i've been going nonstop, just this swinging pendulum back and forth back and forth, then Sunday night i realized it had stopped. A pause in my life. I mean the weekend was a blast, it was so much fun. My boyfriend came to visit and we hung out with my friends and went to the club and went tubing down the river. Then we went to the casino with our other friends. Honestly, all I wanted was one normal summer day together; us and our friends. We all have so much going on I just wanted one day to have a break. Luckily enough, I got two days. I hate being so far away from everyone I love, i hate it even more because i'm the one that signed up to have these classes here. Anyways, it was a great weekend, even though it was pretty busy. I'm always busy I guess, even when I'm relaxing. So, then after everyone left at the end of the weekend, I realized how quickly things have went by. Cue where I stopped and thought, "shit." A month as already went by. One month of my whole life.
      Right now things make sense. Things are going well for me, and that scares me. Because as soon as I let my guard down things fall a part I feel. Hell, even when it's up things still don't work out sometimes. If I learned anything this year it's that things don't always work out the way you wish they would. You just never know whats going to happen. So much is going on with my friends, I wish I was back home to be with them. They're all going through some things. It all revolves around the fact that sometimes you just don't know how things will turn out. You can plan all you fucking want. You can have the best plan. What you're going to do and who you're going to be with, but sometimes it doesn't matter. People can change and lose sight of themselves and what they want. When someone you love loses sight of a plan you built together, it makes you lose a part of yourself in a way. That's what hurts the most. That's what's scary. The plan is not to get hurt, to not lose someone you love, or yourself. It's out of your control despite everything else though. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

praise lolla! part II

     Last summer I spent 3 days in Chicago for Lollapalooza. Never in my life have I experienced anything like those 3 days.  In fact, when people ask me how it was I still hesitate for awhile. Nearly a year later and i'm still speechless. For so many reasons. First of all, anything that could have went wrong...did in fact go wrong. I'm surprised we made it there. The car we took broke down near this hell hole the "Flying J Inn" in Indiana. Let me just say this; people are incredibly inconsiderate and horribly rude to others. We asked about 20 people for a jump and they all refused and had some lame ass excuse. It didn't matter anyways when we finally did get one, it turned out that wasn't the problem. The problem was something that would take a few days and few hundred dollars. We had neither time nor money to spare that morning. So we had to decide: do we go home, get this car towed, or do we leave the damn thing here and hitch to Chicago...we were 33 miles away. We ended up picking and choosing what items to leave or take with us because be damned to hell we were not going back home! We ended up taking a taxi there. Which cost us $90 split between 4 people. (There goes breakfast for this whole trip.) We ended up missing a few shows we wanted to see that morning but we got there! After I tipped the cabby with my just-opened bag of Chili Fritos, (the big bag! i'm not that cheap!) we finally got in!! ahhh heaven!! 
    Actually being inside the gates was definitely Heaven! all of these bands and music loving people in one spot nearly killed me! we took pictures for about literally 15 minutes before we had to leave because we had to check in to our hotel at a certain time. We had to find which line ran to our hotel (because we were going to drive there remember?) So we found the correct line. Guess what it takes an hour and half to get from Point A to Point B. (That was really fun each night after we were dead tired.) But guess what none of it mattered! sure we had no idea how we were getting home in a few days: the car was way back at that flying J devil sink hole, the busses didn't run after 6 sunday and Arcade Fire was playing really late...like we were missing that, and no one could come get us from home. None of it mattered because we were in chicago and we were going to see Lady Gaga, MGMT, Phoenix, Arcade Fire, The Black Keys, The XX, Temper Trap, Neon Trees, and sooo many others. Point is... It was the worst and best trip of my life. If everything can go wrong and I'm still able to have a great time, I can't imagine what it would be like if few things go wrong and i go. So in conclusion boys and girls, or just girls...i'm pretty sure just girls follow me, I am going back this year! yes! Gonna see Eminem, Foo Fighters, MUSE, Crystal Castles, Cage the Elephant, SKRILLEX, Kid Cudi, Ellie Goulding, Explosions in the sky, Foster the people! and sooo many more Oh my god!

P.S. we eventually did get home. Thank you to E'lena and Maurice's dear mum! 
Post Breakdown & waiting in Purgatory while Lolla begins....

Everything is AOKAY in this pricey cab ride!

"No Bad Days" ...The Irony...

Never been happier :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

 All I want is for this week to be over. So that I may lay in bed with my cat and watch Breakfast at Tiffany's. That would be ideal. Exams need to be over now. 

A person is, among all else, a material thing, easily torn and not easily mended.”  

I love this film.

'ooh la la!' they screamed

Listen to this and your life will never be the same. amazing. The mental image I get when I listen to this is just like an old black and white movie playing in the background of some party while Dubstep is mind fucking everyone and the crowd just dances. Why, yes, I've had too much coffee, funny you asked!

bodies, coffee, and keeping it real

     Well it's no surprise. I've been writing my paper for 25 minutes before I got distracted and came back online to wander around. Must be the coffee. I dropped by my Tumblr first. Tumblr is...oh i don't know LOVE?! I just love it. I like it mostly for pictures and blogging short, quick stories. I like my blog here because it's all of my thoughts where I can just ramble on. A close friend mentioned to me, very casually, that my Tumblr has a lot of "racey" pictures on it. I honestly didn't consider them to be very inappropriate. I guess what someone calls inappropriate I call beautiful and daring. This isn't out of the ordinary. There have been many moments in my life that I thought doing something or saying something was just normal, exciting, and adventurous... only to find out later form others that it was not very conventional. Strangely enough, I like that about myself. I like that I like to take chances and that I like strange, different things.  I like the human body in any form of art.  I think beauty can be found in sexy pictures that cross the line. Why? Because they are real. And real beauty is just that; real. I'm in no way fake, I love what I love and say what I mean. That does put me in a difficult spot sometimes  but it' worth it. I really don't think I'm not going to look back and say, wow i wish i hadn't been so real.

Monday, April 18, 2011

some people

The boy saw a comet and suddenly his life had meaning. And when it went away, he waited his entire life for it to come back to him. It was more than just a comet because of what it brought into his life; Direction, beauty, meaning. There were many who couldn’t understand, and sometimes he walked among them, but even in his darkest hours he knew in his heart that someday it would return to him and his world would be whole again, and his belief in God, and love, and art would be reawakened in his heart. -One Tree Hill

     This got me thinking that some people in life are like comets. We don't get to see them very often, but when we do they light up our whole life like a comet in the night sky. In such a short time, in just a few moments, those people can bring more meaning in a whole lifetime than anyone or anything else. In those few moments we are able to recognize beauty and purpose just by being in their presence. Some people are like comets because as soon as they're gone you're left feeling some how incomplete; in some absurd way you can't imagine what your life was like before this fascinating thing crossed your path. When they're gone you're left feeling quite alone, more than ever imagined in fact. Their absence sits heavy in your heart, like an anchor at the bottom of the ocean. The world, however, still spins on, but you still wait. Wait for their return, and upon their return things make sense, all is right, and you are awakened from your very core.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ghost Hunting in an Old Theater

    In our mall there is an old abandoned theater that is locked away from the rest of the public. In the 70’s that place was slammin. Everyone went there for movies and shopping. Of course now it’s went downhill and other than the fine people that work there, no one has seen the theater in years. Due to the fact that i know people and keys open locked doors- my two friends and i were able to go in the theater after the mall closed! Freaking awesome! 
    There are actually two rooms with screens in the theater. One has a lot of the junk the mall staff as just put in there like the oversized presents for christmas decorating. And the other is pretty empty. The screens were all ripped, there was dust and random cushions from the seats laying around. old film rolls were laying around in the projector room above. Random bikes accumulated around the mall grounds over the years…where do they store them? in the old theater. Of course my friends and i raced them down the slanted floor toward the screen. I think i got one from the 80’s that had no chain on it and thats why i made it down first haha.  
    The real creepy thing is that the THEATER & THE MALL ARE HAUNTED. Some cowboy-hat-wearin, cigar-smokin guy use to go there to watch movies every week and he died there one night. His spirit still remains. At night the security guards can see him still wearing his hat and one of the hallways still smells like cigar smoke. The poor ghost just wanders gazing at a torn screen where his favorite films use to flicker upon night after night. The weirdness doesn’t end there, the JCP store there was built over a cemetery, and in the woods behind it there are still headstones. Absolutely. Crazy. The following pictures are from that night.

The ripped movie screen

little orbs all around my friend, Tony,
this place is for sure haunted! :)

Film that was left behind

We took pieces of the screen 

The other theater next door that doesn't have so much stuff in it. 

    Finally, there are just certain things you must bring on a ghost hunting adventure. Things that relate to the ghosts you are seeking. For example: the ghost that haunts the mall and the hidden theater use to wear a cowboy hat everyday. We brought two with us. Also, you need to bring White Mountain Dew...because ghosts are white, duh. And finally you must bring a copy of the movie GHOST!


num nums

    I saw this picture earlier and it reminded me of my latest challenge; trying to cook. As weird as it is, i just feel like I'm almost less of a person if I can't cook a fantastic meal. I mean this is ridiculous really, there's plenty of wonderful people who can't cook. My mom is one of them actually, haha! I mean she can cook a few things, and those few things are very good. But I want more out of cooking than just a few good meals! I want to be able to make anything and I want it to be amazing! I'm not sure if I will get the Harry Potter Cookbook, although it would look good on my shelf with all of my other books. I guess it has recipes of British and Irish culture so I might just have to invest in it. Recently, I have made pork chops. I made a sauce for them that has cut up peaches and honey barbecue sauce and apple vinegar. I also put some peach vodka in it. It was so good! I couldn't believe my friends and I had made it! Last night my roommate and I made Chicken and potatoes and asparagus. Which is pretty basic, but when i tell you i have no cooking skills, I really really mean it. 

This was the recipe for the Grilled Pork Chops W/ Tang Peach BBQ sauce...

For the pork chops:
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon blakc peper
6 10 ounce pork chops

For the sauce:
1 cup barbecue sauce
1 ripe peach peeled and diced
2 tables spoons apple-cider vinegar
1 tablespoon of water
and i just put in a little bit of the peach vodka.

In a bowl mix olive oil, brown sugar, chili powder, salt, and pepper, rub onto pork and put them in plastic bags. Refrigerate for at least an hour or overnight. In a saucepan let the sauce boil then transfer to blender to puree. Cook chops for 12 mins per side. Brush each with barbecue mixed sauce. cover and grill for 4 mins until a nice glaze is created.  The last step is followed by an intense workout!

[Thanks to the Cosmo August 2009 Issue for this one]

Next on my list is KEY LIME PIE

Monday, April 11, 2011

Every night is another story. It's been a long time.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves -- or lose the ventures before us." -- William Shakespeare, "Julius Ceaser"

    It's been so long since I've posted anything. Mostly because I was sans my laptop, Milo, for so long. 4 months have went by. So much is different. It's all so different. I'm always amazed at how much can change over time, and how much doesn't change. In four months I've dealt with my new classes, new friends, and I've been on new adventures. I've said goodbye to an amazing woman who was the best Aunt anyone could ever have asked for; she was unlike any other person I will ever know.  I'm in a relationship which feels so new, but is actually quite the opposite; getting back together with someone from your past is quite possibly one of the most heartbreaking but wonderful things I've experienced.  I've been lucky enough to reconnect with some old friends, and sadly, I've lost some that I thought would always be around. Life kind of just happens doesn't it?

   For as much that does change in life, some things just don't. This past weekend I drove 2 hours to see my first best friend. We were best friends when we were 4. We continued to be good friends throughout middle school and even in high school. After graduation though, we both went through our own ordeals and she was miles away during this. 4 years went by with us talking very, very little. I can remember maybe 3 conversations we had throughout those 4 years. The funny thing is, after all the planning to go see her I never once thought it would be awkward or strange. Of course things in our lives were different and because of that we too have become different people....but I never got nervous. When I pulled into her driveway I was nothing but excited to see her! We were able to spend the whole weekend together, just catching up, there was never an awkward moment. We were just who we use to be; two ridiculous girls playing in my nana's backyard, but now the scene has changed and we're two ridiculous girls in some bar. I like that 4 years can pass and that at least didn't change. I liked it very much to say the least :)

  I have a ridiculous amount of things to get done this week, I just want to forget about it all, but i've been very productive lately. I only have 2 and half weeks left of this semester and as amazing as it's been  I will be so happy when it ends. I can't believe my Junior year of college is coming to an end! sooo, There's the quickest update I'm able to give.