Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ghost Hunting in an Old Theater

    In our mall there is an old abandoned theater that is locked away from the rest of the public. In the 70’s that place was slammin. Everyone went there for movies and shopping. Of course now it’s went downhill and other than the fine people that work there, no one has seen the theater in years. Due to the fact that i know people and keys open locked doors- my two friends and i were able to go in the theater after the mall closed! Freaking awesome! 
    There are actually two rooms with screens in the theater. One has a lot of the junk the mall staff as just put in there like the oversized presents for christmas decorating. And the other is pretty empty. The screens were all ripped, there was dust and random cushions from the seats laying around. old film rolls were laying around in the projector room above. Random bikes accumulated around the mall grounds over the years…where do they store them? in the old theater. Of course my friends and i raced them down the slanted floor toward the screen. I think i got one from the 80’s that had no chain on it and thats why i made it down first haha.  
    The real creepy thing is that the THEATER & THE MALL ARE HAUNTED. Some cowboy-hat-wearin, cigar-smokin guy use to go there to watch movies every week and he died there one night. His spirit still remains. At night the security guards can see him still wearing his hat and one of the hallways still smells like cigar smoke. The poor ghost just wanders gazing at a torn screen where his favorite films use to flicker upon night after night. The weirdness doesn’t end there, the JCP store there was built over a cemetery, and in the woods behind it there are still headstones. Absolutely. Crazy. The following pictures are from that night.

The ripped movie screen

little orbs all around my friend, Tony,
this place is for sure haunted! :)

Film that was left behind

We took pieces of the screen 

The other theater next door that doesn't have so much stuff in it. 

    Finally, there are just certain things you must bring on a ghost hunting adventure. Things that relate to the ghosts you are seeking. For example: the ghost that haunts the mall and the hidden theater use to wear a cowboy hat everyday. We brought two with us. Also, you need to bring White Mountain Dew...because ghosts are white, duh. And finally you must bring a copy of the movie GHOST!


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